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IEX 1980 July 1.pdf
Arun Shourie reflects on the implications of Sanjay Gandhi's death for the country.

IEX 1980 June 25.pdf
In Indian Express article reports on the coverage of Sanjay Gandhi's death in the UK press.

IEX 1977 Feb 18.pdf
Bharati Bhargava and Jawid Laiq report on the electoral mood preceding the 1977 election. It reports some resentment against the incumbent government but does not anticipate a Congress defeat in a constituency that has voted Congress since 1952

Blitz 1979 Dec 8,15.pdf
A Blitz report speculates on the presence of Cornelius Van Heeds in India who, according to this report is a CIA agent. The collector has also attached on the same page a report on the marriage of Van Heeds with the widowed Mother-in-Law of Sanjay…

HT 1981 Sept 1.pdf
The author examines various aspects of the report on the failure of the Pitts plane that Sanjay was commanding.

Current Boldest National Weekly 1977 June 11.pdf
Current reports the death of Sanjay Gandhi's father-in-law and various other issues related to Sanjay Gandhi. A report on assembly elections in Goa and West Bengal, Editoiral on BR Chopra's films.
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